Our Blog

Farm Life Show (Ep.03) - Migrating 10,000 Animals on the Farm

Summer’s here! And that means we’re just completing one of each year’s biggest challenges at Seven Sons Farms. Moving over tens of thousands of pigs, cows, and chickens from their winter homes out onto 550 acres of summer pastures… On this episode of The Farm Life Show, Blaine and Blake Hitzfield share their humane approach to putting the animals on fresh pasture and share lots of awesome footage along the way.

Farm Life Show (Ep.01) — Spring Begins at Seven Sons

Welcome to the first episode of The Farm Life Show — the monthly YouTube video and podcast giving you behind-the-scenes access to what’s currently happening at Seven Sons. Along the way, you’ll meet the people — and the animals — that help bring Seven Sons nutrient-dense, pasture-raised foods from our family farm to your family’s table. In this episode, Blaine Hitzfield (Son #2/CEO of Distribution) talks to his older brother Blake (Son #1/Chief Ranching Officer) about the big thaw in Roanoke, IN, and what spring brings for Seven Sons.