Our Blog

What do Grassfed Cattle Eat During Winter?

This is a common question that our customers and those seeking to find a source for 100% Grassfed and Grass-finished Beef have asked us many times over the years. So, I thought I'd take a few minutes to answer that question for how Seven Sons Farm keeps our cattle happy and fed when it's cold outside. Watch this short video:

How is Grassfed Butter Made?

Jonathan Lambright of Homestead Organic Farms shares our vision to bring you food that raises confidence in your food choices. See how Seven Sons Grassfed Butter is made in partnership with our friend Jonathan.

How to Cook a Thanksgiving Turkey

Thanksgiving brings thoughts of homemade stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, and most importantly, turkey. Lots of people get overwhelmed with preparing this bird. Here at Seven Sons Farms, we understand how stressful it can be to perfect this iconic dinner. That's why we've created this guide to help you cook a Thanksgiving turkey dinner that your family and friends will never forget!

How to Dry-Age Beef at Home

Dry-aged beef is flavorful and tender. However, it may be hard to come by if you don’t live by a quality butcher or an authentic steakhouse. Purchasing it from these vendors can be expensive and inconvenient. If you want to start enjoying dry-aged beef from the comfort of home, read on to learn how to do it yourself to experience the flavors you’ve been missing out on!

The Ultimate Steak Buying Guide

The purpose of this video is to make you more educated when it comes to buying steak. Shopping for these cuts can be intimidating because there are lots of names/types, and you can easily spend a lot of money, but still have a poor experience. So in this video, we are going to take the stress out of buying steak and help you feel like the most educated person at the dinner table.

How to Cook With Marrow Bones

All the time customers ask me how to prepare and use marrow bones in their meals. It actually couldn't be easier! Below is an incredibly simple process for baking marrow bones so that the marrow can be removed from the bones and used in many of your favorite dishes.

Farm Store Progress

Believe it or not, our new farm store is actually constructed on large skids so it could be repurposed just in case we'd ever need a larger store! We partnered with a local Amish owned sawmill to help us build this store onsite. It was amazing watching how fast these hardworking fellows were able to construct this custom log cabin building. It was like watching giant Lincoln Logs being assembled! Checkout the photos and let us know what you think in the comments below...  A few exciting things to look forward to... Free giveawaysSpecial promotionsBuy 7 get 1 free dealsExpanded selection of brand new products Not to mention some long-awaited improvements... In-store credit card payments options (FINALLY!!!)In-store staff assistance during all hoursExpanded pickup days for online pre-orders Same day pickup of select bulk bundlesAnd more much more!

An Easter Message from Seven Sons

As I type this blog, I'm reminded how as a small child we would wake up before dawn to attend Easter service as a family. It was a tradition for our congregation to gather in a cleared wooded area near our church as Pastor Denny would lead us in an Easter message.