Shenandoah Valley Organic

Winter Season Ethically-Raised Chicken

Meet The Founding Family

Corwin Heatwole is the founder and CEO of Shenandoah Valley Organic, home of the Farmer Focus business model. As a 6th-generation farmer, Corwin built a lifestyle that embraces family, independence, and ingenuity. In 2014, Corwin started Shenandoah Valley Organic to help other farmers do the same.

Each day, we work hard to raise animals humanely and organically, and for fair pay, so that our farms and communities will be around for future generations. Together, we are preserving a way of life worth working hard for, and we thank you for that. 

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Winter Chicken Production Protocols

  • Fed a Non-GMO verified blend of corn and soybean feed
  • Raised in warm barns with outdoor access except during inclement weather
  • Access to shade, shelter, fresh air, direct sunlight, and drinking water
  • Eight hours of light each day, including natural light
  • Access to two or more enrichments, such as ramps, blinds, hay bales, forages, scattered grains, and perches
  • No more than 6 pounds of chicken per square foot of space
  • Clean, dry bedding with space for exercise - no antibiotics ever

Winter Poultry Production:


How is Ethically Raised Chicken Produced?

Our commitment to regenerating the land and the ethical care of our animals means we adapt to the seasons that Mother Nature gives us. 

That's why our chickens live outside in mobile coops that rotate daily to fresh, lush pastures during the warm seasons. 

When the cold northern winter sets in, all birds are raised inside warm barns, protecting them from the harsh elements while maintaining access to pasture as weather permits.

Our chicken is always free of GMO feeds, antibiotics, drugs, and hormones.

You can learn more about our seasonal approach to raising chicken and see more pictures here.